To Help Relieve Suffering; the principal policy of the Foundation is to help, where possible, anyone who suffers hardship and distress, regardless of religion, nationality, race, class, age or circumstances. Help shall be offered rather than imposed and provided freely with absolute integrity and intention of selfless compassionate service.
Orphans are vulnerable and at risk if not supported and cared for. Orphans are part of all sectors or groups of society, i.e. class, race, religion and culture. Mostly are from low income groups due to life patterns and the economic pressure on low income earners. The greater the poverty, the higher the vulnerability of children and increase in orphan-hood. Significantly, orphans are often victims of HIV/AIDS infections in various ways. However, there exists a group of children orphaned because of reasons not related to HIV/AIDS. Over the last decade or more, orphans are mainly defined in terms of HIV/AIDS and the international focus is on “HIV/AIDS orphans” thus limiting the definition of an orphan.
However, holistic about the life of an orphan is not compromised as will be noticed in the exploration of various areas of society.
Due to interdepartmental and intersectional collaboration, team-ship in helping orphans overcoming their learning barriers, is critical. Not only does (IE) limit itself to didactic sphere, but facilitate proper fitting of the orphan to the mainstream of life and acceptance of the children of who they are.